about the next update

This game requires a lot of inmersion to make it more enjoyable some games like Big Aspirations do this by adding heavy text but im not well versed in writing so im triying to make like a comic type of system idk how it will be implemented at the end.. you will see to it the next update 

here is an early example: https://64.media.tumblr.com/6d142de916ac6f36d9659a74ad89eb26/bbbfb9697bfebe75-c7/s1280x1920/50f8f73ad5dc2eec56002ab58eca9082f14ce924.pnj

i want it to look enjoyable and rewarding

so the roadmap is like this for the next update:

-Brielle comic based interactions. one per stage of growth

-New growth stage

-a femboy character (tell me in the comments if you want him to grow too i surely do >:) )

-a goth character


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of course


to get the obvious out of the way more fat characters =  better. Now the real question is personality.  i wonder what your plan on that front is.



Fat Femboy! Fat Femboy! Fat Femboy!


I seriously love your game. Like it's such a fun concept. I wait for every update with anticipation.

For the femboy character I think you should name him Garf and also maybe he can get crushed by Flarea if we reach the required weight. We should also be able to devour him (obviously).

Also can't wait for the goth lady. I really enjoyed the update with the forest lady Rybicca (I think that's her name) 

Thank you for this masterpiece. I have replayed it 2 times. 



Ok so it's kind of a long story but Garf is a femboy that has been extensively messaging me on tiktok and idk man Garf the femboy just sounds right. He's my femboy and I want to honor him. 


I really like this idea! I look forward to what you come up with

(1 edit) (+3)

Intrigued by the comic stuff, seems cool and an interesting. New growth stage is good to hear. Goth character is hype but..... the femboy. The femboy is even more hype and yes bigger is better here. Nice to hear some great news, good luck on the update.


everything sounds so good i cant wait !! <3